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How does it work?

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy enables the body to restructure and heal itself. The process consists of a series of gently rolling moves across muscles and tissue of the body. There are frequent and important pauses between these moves, which give the body time to benefit from each set of moves. By combining moves, both in placement and in combination, the practitioner is able to address the body as a whole or target a specific problem. A unique skill of the Bowen practitioner is the ‘tissue tension sense,’ meaning that the practitioner is able to feel stress build-up in muscle groups and then use Bowen moves to release that stress.

Bowen Therapy aims to balance and stimulate energy flow, frequently resulting in a deep sense of overall relaxation. The healing process begins once the body is relaxed, and continues as the body allows. Healing seems to occur by affecting the body’s autonomic nervous system, which creates internal stability at the cellular level.

Bowen is referred to as a ‘complementary’ modality. This means it will enhance and complement, not interfere with other medical attention. Bowen may very well be one of the single most important tools we have to facilitate healing of the whole body. The moves bring about incredible results by connecting at a deep cellular level, incorporating the body’s unique ability to heal itself.

With the release of toxins and old patterning, the moves begin to accomplish holistic balance almost immediately. Since Bowen Therapy addresses the body as a whole unit rather than just the presenting symptoms, it embraces the physical, chemical, emotional and mental aspects of each person receiving Bowen.

I see the Bowen practitioner as a catalyst, setting in motion the stimulus for the body to heal itself. The human body is so amazing that self-healing can be achieved with minimal outside influence.

A Bowen session, whether to address a specific problem or maintain a healthy body, is the spirit of elegant simplicity.

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